
Booking Arrangements:

Text or phone the Rambles Secretary on the Club mobile to book on a specific walk – 07706 871812. If possible please tell the Rambles Secretary which level of ramble you plan to join.

Payment will be taken on the day of the ramble. Ramble Charge: £15.00 for all rambles except trips to the Lake District when the fee will be £20.00 (under 16 years half fare). Payment by cash or cheque please but cheques are very much preferred. A cancellation fee of £5 will be charged for any booking unless cancelled by the Saturday one week before the ramble.

If insufficient bookings are received by the Wednesday prior to the ramble, it may be necessary to cancel the coach. Rambles may be subject to change – check before booking.

Anyone under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. We are sorry that no dogs are allowed on the walks. In the interests of safety we ask new walkers, for their first walk, to do either the B or the C walk. Please err on the side of caution when choosing your walk.

All members should be aware that they are responsible for their own safety and should take great care at all times when on rambles.

It is suggested that you carry details in your rucksack of a person who should be contacted in the event of an emergency together with details of any medical conditions and medication. Please let us know if you have a medical condition of which we should be aware.

A reasonable level of fitness is required for all our rambles. You must be able to comfortably walk at least 6 miles and be on your feet for 4-5 hours.

Be Aware

We are in the North of England and in both summer and winter a good pair of boots with ankle support plus waterproof clothing and a rucksack are essential. All of our rambles can involve rough ground, steep ascents and descents, stiles and other obstacles and we may have to cross fields containing livestock. Bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink. It is also a good idea to carry some cash/card as you may wish to buy something in the teashop/pub at the end of the ramble. A First Aid kit should be carried in your rucksack.

Boots should be removed before boarding the coach after rambles – bring some clean footwear to change into.

We’ve worked with some of the best companies.

“Durham Rambling Club – what can I say? You pay on a walk by walk basis, and then just for the coach. No annual subscription. There are several pick up and drop off points in and around the city. Three walks of different distances somewhere in the North of England every fortnight, so a great variety over the year, ending with a chat in the pub or café with a friendly group of people. All fun, get fit, have a drink, get driven home: what more can you ask for?”